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03 January 2009

NO CONTROL - Billionaires celebrity crashed

Anthony Hamilton

Just wait until the FIA bureaucrats see this one. He was probably on his way to steal secrets from Ferrari. Either that, or he was late picking Lewis up from Scouts. The GT wasn't even his...

Damage Rating: 5/10


Britney Spears

Hit me, baby, one more time. And another, and another. Poor old Brit forgets all about her angles and demonstrates a classic fender bender. Miniature dog was unharmed in the making of this stupidity.

Damage Rating: 1/10


Ian Wright

The money/sense ratio is never going to swing in Wrighty's favor. He stuffed this 360 Spider into a tree in Croydon, and wasn't far off the nearby houses. Cost him nearly 60 grand to fix.

Damage rating:7/10


Lindsay Lohan

When you're a polymath like Lohan, it's no surprise that your mind is not on the road. After all, there are great songs to be written, great performances to give, great thoughts to be thinked. Err...

Damage Rating: 3/10


Eddie Griffin... a comedian, apparently. Shame he got a bit slapstick in this $1.5 million Enzo, then shamelessly milked his "little incident" for weeks afterward. Still, it serves as proof that Americans don't do corners.

Damage rating: 7/10




Jay Kay

Fear not, the "Top Gear" celeb lap record holder was not responsible for this one. He'd lent it to someone else, who stuffed it on Park Lane. Jay, memo to self: Don't lend your cars to your mates.

Damage Rating:4/10


Source: (Top Gear Malaysia Magazine-December 2008)

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