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25 January 2009

Starting February 1st of 2009, Microsoft will no longer sell Windows XP

As the limelight dawns upon the likes of Windows 7 beta release, much has been forgotten about the trusty old Windows XP. Starting February 1st of 2009, Microsoft will no longer sell Windows XP to its distributors. In short, users who wishes to use Windows XP need to buy the software when it is still available from the shelf.

Existing customers using Windows XP will still be supported with security updates until April 2014. Beyond the stated timeline will see many windows users making a switch to the much hyped Windows 7 platform and skip Windows Vista altogether. Talk about increased security feature and better end user experience in Vista OS huh? Anyway, let us end this article of the closure of Windows XP with the statement: Windows XP is dead !

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Daisy said...

Yawza! Talk about technology! And my office computer is still using Windows 2000. And a decade old OS! Gee.....

Jerry said...

Hope 7 is not as "successful" as Vista!

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